BYE BYE, BEN! Ben is going back to England. Here, you've got some photos of the last days with us. He wanted to say goodbye with some games and fun. Thanks Ben for everything. We hope you come and visit us one day.
The winners of the English Mode On activity have enjoyed their prize today. Apart from the books they were given, they had the opportunity to play games with the conversation assistant. Practising English, having fun and learning at the same time. CONGRATULATIONS! PHOTOS.
The children in 3rd primary have worked in a collaborative project and have invented a new animal and a name, of course. Then, they have shown to the rest of the students in the class. CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR GREAT TASK! PHOTOS? CLICK HERE!
Cooking with Ben CHALLENGE: Can you cook a cake similar to the one in the video?
Follow the instructions that Ben says and make a wonderful chocolate kit-kat cake! Yummy, yummy! If you accept the challenge, please, send a photo cooking and eating the cake, of course! I will upload it onto the blog as soon as possible. send to: Ready, steady, go!!!! INGREDIENTS FOR 8 PEOPLE
Our penpals in Viladecans wanted to show us their school. They are looking for their partners. Where are they? They are playing hide and seek! VIDEO? CLICK HERE!
LETTERS FROM YOUR PENPALS IN VILADECANS Oh my God! What a surprise! The children in 6th B and A have received a big envelope full of letters for them. Congratulations children from Viladecans. You have done a great task!!! Our students loved your letters. PHOTOS? 6th B CLICK HERE!