An activity in which the children of 4th A and B have made an origami star and written a wish on it. We have decorated the notice board in the corridor. They have enjoyed themselves doing it, they have shared material, and helped each other to make it.
It's time to exercise and practise all the vocabulary learnt in the unit. First, they wrote some cards with the actions and then, time to play and move! Bend, twist, turn, straighten, lower, lift, hips, wrist, ankle, head, foot... and much more!!!! VIDEOS AND PHOTOS? CLICK HERE, PLEASE!
This year the children of 6th A and B have got new penpals. This course 2018-19 we are going to do this activity with a SAFA school from VILADECANS. We wanted to introduce ourselves, say hello and merry Christmas with 2 videos. Edited by:Silvia C. (in 6th A) Angela P and Maria S. (in 6th B). We hope you like it as much as we do preparing it. If you want to write comments, please, send them below. 6th A: Christmas Mannequin challenge (edited by Silvia C).
6th B: Safa News, song and commercials! Video edited by Angela P. (6th B)
Video edited by Maria S. (6th B)
PHOTOS OF THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT 6th B (the front row). Singing Count on me.
6th A (the semicircle line) singing "Caminem lluny"
VIDEO OF THE CONCERT: (6th A and B). If you want to watch your penpals in the Christmas concert, go from minute 44: 07 to 53:10.
We hope you like it!!! You can leave your comments below! Thanks!
The children in 3rd Primary are studying the 5 senses in English. The students have done a funny activity using diferents parts of the body and their senses. The result? Fun, learn and watch the gigs (WITH SPECIAL EFFECTS!
Every year, the students in 5th are in charge of the decoration in the corridors and their classes. Halloween is around!!!! PHOTOS? PLEASE, CLICK HERE!
Arriving at their new house, Alfie's family have very different ideas about their new home. Alfie's ever-joyful Mum insists the new house is simply wonderful but Alfie is not so sure. Meanwhile, Granny is still trying to climb out of the car! With only his pet goldfish Sarah for company, Alfie must embark on the spooky, mysterious, and sometimes, dangerous mission of exploring the empty bedrooms upstairs. But are they really empty? An exciting tale of mystery, mayhem, fun, adventure, danger, bravery, laughter and friendship, 'Ghostboy' teaches the very important lesson that some things aren't always what they seem.
A little girl visits the land of the dead and experiences the Mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos with the help of someone very special to her. A short film by Ashley Graham, Kate Reynolds and Lindsey St. Pierre.
I hope that you enjoy your Halloween card. Now turn up your speakers so you don’t miss a thing. Maybe something scary will jump out at you……or…….maybe not. Who knows. So I hope that you enjoy this. Happy Halloween.
A song for Halloween time : WHICH WITCH IS WHICH? (You have got the script (the lyrics in English and the translation into Spanish)
SONG: Lyrics
Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
And what do you do?
My name is Mildred
I have 13 cats
They sleep in my house
And under my hat
Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
And what do you do?
My name is Salem
I bake tricks
With rats and bats
And lizards and snakes
Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
And what do you do?
My name is Gertrude
And I make potions
With shark teeth and seashells
I find by the ocean
Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
And what do you do?
My name is Hagatha
I grow warts
I hop like a toad
And I love to play sports
Which witch is which?
Who is who?
What is your name?
And what do you do?
My name is Hazel
I sell brooms
You can use them for sweeping
Or flying past the moon
We are the witches
You know who is who
It's time we must be going
Cause there's oh so much to do
Do you want to have some extra material to decorate the classes and corridors? Please, follow the link.
Our students in 6th have prepared a fashion show in small groups or pairs. They were wearing their favourite clothes and they have introduced themselves and talked about their garment. Music, colours, stage, clothes....READY, STEADY, GO. The show must GO ON!
Our students in 4th are studying a lot of vocabulary this year and they are practising by using technology and games. Lots of fun!!! Watch the videos and photos.
Welcome back to Lleida again, Ben. We are very happy to see and work with you. Ready for this new year with us? In this photo, our conversation assistant is with a group of students in primary: Reading time!
P.E. IN ENGLISH WITH BEN! (5th and 6th Primary Education)
This year, our students in 5th and 6th are very lucky. They can practise sports and English at the same time. Our conversation assistant will be with them one hour a week.
Our conversation assistant, Ben, has arrived at school. This week we have started the activity:Lunch with Ben. In the picture with a group of students in secundary, having lunch, practising English and having fun!
Congratulations everybody for your great task. Now you have got the padlets in a public mode so everybody could see your work. HAVE A NICE SUMMER! PADLET: 5th A PADLET 5th B
Just to finish our academic year, the students in 5th group A, prepared an activity called BFF! (Best Friends Forever) to empower writing, listening and speaking.
It consisted of a competition in pairs. They even prepared the cards with questions and a logo. The questions and answers were about themselves. (hobbies, age, family, pets, etc).
The couple with more points passed to the final.
The students were as well the presenters of the programme and we had the help of our conversation assistant, Ben.
She has won a GRANT at anENGLISH SUMMER CAMP for one week.
Congratulations Ioana! Due to your hard work, your marks in every subject, your motivation and your effort throughtout the whole year, you deserve this grant.
Enjoy the summer and keep on practising English!
This program includes:
A free week at a summer camp in English.
4 hours of English classes per day taught by native speakers and experienced in teaching children. Each lesson comes with her grammar and vocabulary practice the skills learned by hearing oral, written and reading.
Material academic and sports by the company: the students will be given the necessary tools to conduct classes and all sports equipment fit.
Many activities of leisure and sport for the rest of the day: workshops, sports, swimming, theme parties, disco, cultural excursions, etc.
Accommodation on a full board throughout the course.
We are working with our penpals in London. We are going to communicate with them with this wonderful tool: PADLET. We are preparing activities for each other. Ready, steady, go!
We have received this message from our schoolmates in secondary school. Read please, click the links below, watch the videos and LIKE!!!
Hola a tothom,
Els alumnes de 2n i 3r d'ESO de la nostra escola s'han presentat al 11è concurs d'anglès interescolar de Catalunya que pretén fomentar l'ús de la llengua anglesa i afavorir-ne el seu aprenentatge. Aquests alumnes havien de realitzar un mini-projecte, en format de presentació animada, sobre alguns dels objectius que proposa la UNESCO, com pot ser aconseguir un món més sostenible o una dieta més sana i equilibrada .
El vídeo que han elaborat està penjat al You Tube i necessiten les vostres votacions per poder passar a la final.
Només cal que poseu un m'agrada al nostres vídeos per poder-nos classificar!
Aquest és l'enllaç on podeu trobar el vídeo dels alumnes de 2n d'ESO: